Allegations abound that tech companies are biased against conservative media and working overtime to knock them off of social media platforms or kill their traffic.
These unfounded concerns have been touted by the White House, the pseudo-journalism outfit Project Veritas and sites that peddle misinformation, like The Gateway Pundit.
Earlier this month, The Gateway Pundit claimed that conservative sites had a 93 percent drop in traffic, but analytics compiled by The Righting show that traffic for some right-leaning sites has actually gone up since last year – in some cases, by a lot.

According to the data, which came from Comscore, traffic for Fox News, RedState, The Washington Examiner, The Daily Wire, The Blaze and The Washington Times is up from last year.
In two extreme examples of audience growth, RedState’s total unique visitors increased by 126 percent from last year, and Washington Examiner’s rose by 100 percent.
This data further debunks unfounded claims that tech companies are attempting to silence and censor conservatives.
Contact Mollie Bryant at 405-990-0988 or Follow her on Facebook and Twitter.
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